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Erasmus+ 2018-2021 Iskolák közötti Együttműködési Program

healTH AT School

Tájékoztató / Information


Projekttalálkozók / Project meetings

Nemzetközi együttműködés a Bajai III. Béla Gimnáziumban

With the beginning of the 2018/19 school year the Bajai III. Béla grammar school will be the participant and main coordinator of the international Erasmus tender. With a successful application, the school has won the right together with three other secondary schools, teachers, students, parents and other professionals who help them (school psychologist, health visitor) to work together in the HealTHAT School project for two years.

The main objective of the program is the development of the language competencies and digital skills, besides the emphasis on the technology (first of all the more conscious use of the Internet) and the improvement of the physical and mental health of the students.

Cyberbullying is the major issue, which affects young people in growing numbers.

Together with Bajai III. Béla grammar school its sister school, Bolyai Farkas Liceum in Targu Mures a German secondary school from Frankfurt, and a Greek high school from Almyros participate in the program, which will include the creation of a web site, a digitized magazine, participation on a Secure Internet day and many other creative, tolerance and awareness raising common tasks.

Work will primarily take place via the Internet, for instance by video conferencing and the help of a Facebook group, but personal meetings will also take place. The first visit will be in Baja, the representatives of the foreign schools will come and see us at the beginning of November.

More than 120 students and 25 teachers face the challenge of this project, however, since all the activities involved in all four schools more than 2500 youngsters will take part in the project. Additionally the practices, methods and all the materials can be used in wider circles in the future.

We regularly report to our readers about our two-year cooperation.